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Dallas Township accident kills one teen, injures two others

The first few years after a teen begins driving in Johnstown are both an exciting and frightening time. Teens and their friends feel excitement over the newfound independence that driving themselves around offers, while their parents (other motorists on the area’s roads) may be somewhat frightened by the risks these new drivers’ inexperience presents.

Most understand the need for teens to gain experience behind the wheel, but the hope is that experience does not come at the expense of others. Unfortunately, the patterns that new drivers often engage in (such as speeding or driving unnecessarily at odd hours) often indeed puts others at risk.

Popular teen perishes in accident

Sadly, that risk can include death. This fact was on full display in a recent accident in Dallas Township. Authorities had to extract three teens from their damaged vehicle after the car ran off the road and crashed into a tree. Two of them received treatment at a local hospital, while the third (a former area high school football and track standout) died in the collision. Law enforcement authorities did not report which of the teens drove the vehicle.

The risks teen drivers present to others

As previously detailed, statistics show that teens tend to be more likely to engage in reckless driving behaviors than other demographics. In this particular case, the accident occurred around 1:00 a.m., when a more experienced driver might have realized it best to avoid driving while potentially drowsy. Unfortunately, accident victims (even those traveling in the vehicle with the driver responsible for an accident) often cannot afford a new driver the benefit of the doubt in these situations. The expenses they face may require that they seek added compensation through legal action. Those needing assistance seeking such action may find in the form of an experienced personal injury attorney.

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