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3 hazards of holiday driving

If you are like most people, not much can get in the way of you spending the holidays with the people you love, which often means traveling to see them. However, as the excitement builds for holiday fun, so do the traffic dangers.

To help you and your family stay safe, keep these three holiday driving hazards in mind as you visit friends and family in Pennsylvania and beyond this holiday season.

1. Stressed, drowsy and distracted drivers

Distracted driving is always a threat, especially around the holidays when people are in a hurry to get where they are going, feel stressed about spending time with family or are anxiously thinking about finding the perfect gift in time. End-of-year quotas, children’s holiday events, hosting the family celebration and the like can also take its toll on drivers’ energy levels. Drowsy driving is a leading cause of car accidents in the U.S. Remain vigilant and watch for signs that other drivers are not paying close attention, like crossing over into another lane or abrupt movements.

2. Drunk drivers

The holidays warrant celebration, but people sometimes take things too far by consuming excessive alcohol at parties and get-togethers. Keep your eyes open for the erratic behavior of intoxicated drivers. If you or someone you know has had too much to drink, get a ride with a sober friend or rideshare service.

3. Poor weather conditions

In Pennsylvania, winter weather can make holiday travels especially hazardous. Be sure your tires have good tread and drive at a speed appropriate for the conditions. If the roads are snow-covered or icy, you should consider staying home.

Stay aware of these three driving hazards to help ensure a safe and enjoyable holiday season.

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