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What is the process to appeal an SSDI denial?

It is common for applicants for Social Security Disability Income to receive a determination of ineligibility. People applying for SSDI benefits should not necessarily conclude that a rejection means they are ineligible.

It may be possible to successfully appeal a denial. Here are some important things to know about the process.

Initiating an appeal

The first step of an appeal is filing a Request for Reconsideration. The form that you use may depend on whether a claims examiner denied your claim for a medical reason or whether there was a technical issue with your application. If the basis was medical, you may need to include additional documentation about your condition with your application materials.

Requesting an administrative hearing

If the Social Security Administration denies a Request for Reconsideration, you may request an administrative hearing. It is imperative to have all relevant evidence in support of a claim ready to present at the time of a hearing.

Escalating an appeal

Applicants can commonly prevail in an administrative hearing if they prepare carefully. However, it may be necessary to request an Appeals Council Review. The Council may decline to hear an appeal if it supports the administrative decision.

Thorough preparation can help applicants get a favorable outcome when they appeal a denial of SSDI benefits. It is especially important that they submit a request for an administrative hearing within sixty days of receiving a denial. A request for an Appeals Council Review must be within sixty days of a denial that follows an administrative hearing.

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